Setahun dah berlalu ni pn xupdate..
hr ni, entri ni bkisar ttg digital painting.
ap tu digital painting?
Digital painting is a method of creating an art object (painting)
digitally and/or a technique for making digital art in the computer. As
a method of creating an art object, it adapts traditional painting
medium such as acrylic paint, oils, ink, watercolor, etc. and applies the pigment to traditional carriers, such as woven canvas cloth, paper, polyester etc. by means of computer software driving industrial robotic or office machinery (printers). As a technique, it refers to a computer graphics software program that uses a virtual
canvas and virtual painting box of brushes, colors and other supplies.
The virtual box contains many instruments that do not exist outside the
computer, and which give a digital artwork a different look and feel from an artwork that is made the traditional way.
(sumber wikipedia)
haaaaa...ambik.. fhm2 la sendiri. Tp mnurut pmahaman sy yg cetek ilmu ni,
lukisan digital ni adalah modern way utk kt buat ssbuah painting. Boleh jd potret, gambar bangunan..
ap2 j la aslkn jiwa halus kt ni trasa nk lukis. Tp dlm bentuk digital yg boleh di print out. Lebih mudah
tp ttp xsama dgn air tgn bila kt lukis kt canvas la. Namun, stp org ad pndapat dn pndangan yg berbeza mengenai teknik masing-masing mengikut minat masing-masing. Jd jgn gaduh psl tu yer.. tamau3..
tp sy btl2 addict buat lukisan digital ni.
Sebab? sy xreti lukis. Dengan adanya wacom sebijik,
komputer yg dh diisi perisian adobe photoshop, maka terhasil la sebuah lukisan yg sy ambik contoh dr sebuah photo.
kredit kepada jurugambar (tp xd watermark, xtaw siapa photographer tu )
Disebabkan sy minat sgt kt Synyster Gates ni..
so sy pilih utk lukis potret dia dlu. sbb org ckp, klo kt nk bmula, mula la dgn benda yg kita suka..
anyhow, ni proses2 mlukis utk sy yg xreti lukis.. enjoy :)
Tara... yg dh siap!
Opps.. ad watermark equ.. equ tu page sy kt fb
kalau rajin boley la jenguk2 fb sy..
Tolong Like skali yer.. Trima Kasih byk2^^
Sepanjang buat lukisan ni, part paling susah adlah nk bt tatoo dia.
serious ms tu nk give up. Tp minat punya pasal sy redah j la..hhaa..
Awk2 pn boleh buat jg taw..
ingt, usaha tangga kejayaan!
Sekian sahaja,
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